Pinellas County Schools Seminole High School Renovations
This project consists of campus wide interior/exterior renovations of 226,533 SF of existing buildings, as well as a new cafeteria building (Bldg 11) and site improvements.
The exterior improvements will include the replacement of the majority of the existing domestic water and sanitary piping systems throughout, replacement of campus electrical distribution and consolidation to 3 transformer, re-configuration of the parking lot and parent drop off loop, new aluminum walkway canopies throughout campus, repainting and refacing to ensure the entire campus has a unified color scheme, demolition of the existing buildings 9, 11, 12, 13, & 14, a new main entrance addition, and a brand new cafeteria (Building 11).
Interior improvements will consist of a refresh in the classrooms (paint, ceiling tile, lighting, roller window shades), a refresh of hallways with selective removal of lockers, an evaluation of the doors & hardware for replacement, new signage throughout the facility, the remodel / relocation of the Arts Classroom (to be placed into the remodeled east dining room), renovation of restrooms, a chiller CH-1 replacement and new cooling towers, HVAC building equipment replacements, and general campus systems upgrades.
Pinellas County Schools<
Seminole, FL
Wannamacher Jensen Architects, Inc.
226,533 SF